Jumat, 19 November 2010

one day

Every time I look at the sky after the rain
I think of the crybaby I used to be
I was blindly chasing after someone's back
Saying "I want to be stronger"
Now faded into the wind is "thank you"
Am I getting stronger?
Since I haven't got an answer to that
I'll keep walking forward

So let's go
Will never stop
Won't lose against the flow of time
I'll keep getting back up
Because I don't want to lose something precious

Like a bird flying in the sky
I'm searching for a tomorrow I can't see
Even if I'm scared while stumbling
My eyes won't drop at my feet

Words give up
I'm lying
Give up only one goal
To overcome sadness with joy
I walk a little bit please

The endless skies
I believe in the future
And I'm scared that to tread back
Because I don't want to lose something precious

The voice flowing inside of me
Always always supports me
Teasing rain will get in my way
Because I won't run away


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